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June 20, 2013

Florida Now Among States Allowing Electronic Proof of Insurance for Drivers

Florida recently joined a growing list of states that allow electronic proof of insurance via smartphones for motorists at traffic stops. Among Southeastern states, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee and Kentucky now also allow electronic proof of insurance.

Image credit: Property Casualty Insurers Association of America

Nationally, there are now 25 states that allow electronic proof of coverage at traffic stops, as of June 17, according to a new map prepared by the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (a PDF file). These states allow drivers to show proof of insurance using a smartphone.

The states that now allow electronic proof of coverage are: Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Mississippi, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wyoming.

““It makes good sense to allow consumers and insurers to use increasingly ubiquitous technology to comply with the law,” said Alex Hageli, PCI director of personal lines policy.

“Increasing sales of tablets and other mobile devices are motivating consumers to want multiple communication platforms with their agent and insurer. The E-commerce trend is expanding and motivating other policy changes that will modernize insurance laws and ways of doing business,” said Kelly Campbell, PCI vice president for state affairs.

“Electronic delivery of insurance documents will give consumers and insurers more choices and more flexibility in how policies are serviced. These laws are moving the interaction between customers and insurers away from the Pony Express and into the 21st Century,” Campbell said.

“Public policymakers are also seeing the benefits of having insurance policies available electronically,” said Campbell.

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