July 1, 2013

June 28, 2013
AgencyFlorida’s Citizens Seeks 6.6% Home Rate Hike; Cap on Sinkhole Rates in High-Risk Areas
Florida’s state-backed property insurer requested a statewide average 6.6 percent increase in homeowners’ rates along with a cap on sinkhole rate increases in three high-risk counties at between 20 percent and 50 percent. Citizens Propert...
June 27, 2013
AgencyBe Prepared with Hurricane Apps

June 27, 2013
AgencyHurricanes: Pet Safety

June 27, 2013
AgencyGrilling Safety

June 27, 2013
AgencyStorm Surge and Flooding

June 27, 2013
AgencyKnow Your Coverages

June 21, 2013
AgencyVIDEO: Ordinance or Law Coverage
June 21, 2013
AgencyWhat is FIGA?

June 20, 2013
AgencyFlorida Now Among States Allowing Electronic Proof of Insurance for Drivers